Friday, November 13, 2009

Christmas Planning and much more

This weekend I am determined to:

  • Plan my budget for Christmas
  • Make a gift list
  • Restrain myself from purchasing too many decoration
  • Begin working on our next adoption endeavors by creating a profile book
  • Read through our new youth small group meeting materials
  • Read the Duggars book 20 and Counting!
and most importantly spend some wonderful family time with these beautiful people...

Tea anyone?

Friday, July 24, 2009

I'm back...for now

Well I'm back for now...I will try not to take a SIX month unannounced hiatus from now on. Too much to fully catch up on so I will spare long details and update with everyone's favorite...PICTURES.

Mia and I straightened AB's took almost 2 hours!! It was NOT worth it!

Anna Belle's First Valentine's Day with her Daddy!

At the New Orleans Aquarium

AB's first live you can see she was very excited!

First experience with Oxford, MS

First time at the Beach just 1 week after her time in the Snow

Getting ready for summer

she loves her Tutu

outside on a chilly morning
Easter Sunday!

Anna Belle's Best Friend/Cousin having fun together!

Johnathon and Anna Belle's First Father's Day

My favorite little face!

Fun times eating at the dinner table

Anna Belle: "Do you want some watermelon?!"

Our first trip to the ER...not fun but still smiling!

Loving my beautiful girl!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Happy Birthday Anna Belle!!

For Anna Belle's Birthday we had some family and friends over for Ice Cream and "egg free" Cake. I must say that you do not realize the importance of eggs until you have to bake without them. AB has food allergies to: eggs, beef and peanuts. So the Cake was a complete nightmare. Nonetheless, her day was really great and we had a lot of fun.
Lesson learned: I should have practiced making a cake without eggs prior to the party day. I substituted coke for the eggs which works- it just causes the cake to be EXTREMELY MOIST and impossible to Ice and it falls to pieces as seen here.

All ready for her big day!
She really really wanted to touch the fire

Although it looks like she was enjoying her cupcake, she was not. She continued to gag every time I tried to get her to eat it. So we gave her some puff stars and she thought that was great!

Oh happy day!

AB very best friend Ava! Ava is 4 and so very sweet and kind to AB that AB just loves to play with her and give her lots of kisses!!

Showing that she is 1 with Nan-nah and Paw-Paw who got her the birthday crown.

And finally the gift Johnathon and I got her for her Birthday...
her first pair of K-Swiss!! They are sooo cute!

Friday, January 23, 2009

PTL for Insurance and Co-pays

Praise The Lord for Insurance and Co-Pays!

Friday 1/16 -
Anna Belle diagnosed with Bronchitis. Given 1 Breathing treatment at the Dr. Office. Put on 5 day antibiotic and a Decongestant.

Weekend -
Continued Fever, congestion worsened. Tylenol and Motrin every 4 hours. Refused to drink or eat. 1 wet diaper a day!!

Monday 1/19 -
Probably the worst day. Johnathon and I were both very worried AB would dehydrate. She was still throwing up just about any liquid she would take because of her thick congestion. This was the day I continued to ask "will this sickness ever end??" There were a few moments I saw little was a rough day.

Tuesday 1/20 -
Back to the Doctor. Sent to the Hospital for a chest X-Ray and RSV test. Found pneumonia in her right lung and tested positive for RSV. Finally started drinking and Eating again...answer to many prayers.

Back to the Doctor. Given a shot of antibiotics for the pneumonia, given a 10 day oral antibiotic and a breathing machine for breathing treatments every 4 hours.

Thursday 1/22 -
Began eating like a horse and drinking Milk again. Breathing Treatments go very well with a Baby Einstein DVD.

Friday 1/23 -
Back to work and playing with cousin Darcy for the first time in a week. AB seems like she is on speed now that she is feeling better...I'm sure the breathing treatments have a little to do with it too.

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Well we have officially been introduced to true parenthood.
Anna Belle started having a runny nose on Thursday. She fell asleep at 5:30pm on our way home from work and I decided at 7:30 I should go change her into her PJ's and give her a bottle since she slept through dinner. When I got her out of bed she was burning up with a temperature of 102.7!! She then took 2 sips of her bottle and vomited.

It was a long hard night of crying, coughing like she had been smoking for 30 years, and lots of rocking and holding. At one point I put her in bed with us (which is a major no-no in our home however it beat having to get up every 30 minutes because she couldn't breathe) so she could sleep on my chest while I was sitting up. It was soo cute when I got her in the bed she looked at me then looked at Johnathon rolled off of me and crawled over to Johnathon sat on her knees and laid her head on his chest. He scooped her up and she was fast to sleep.

I stayed home Friday and got her into the Doctor where she was diagnosed with Bronchitis. My mom came with me and we had the joy of torturing her with a breathing treatment. Poor thing she is already easily startled by just about anything and then we had to strap a mask to her face attached to a machine that made noise...oh it was torture. She cried more from that then she did when she was tested for allergies.

She is definitely on the mend now. Especially after getting 14 hours of sleep last night!! She had a lot to catch up on. It has been great getting to spend so much quality time with her over the past 3 days...I just wish she didn't have to be sick.

In her sick chair. Relaxing in the Living Room.

On another note I have started reading Secrets of the Baby Whisperer by Tracy Hogg and I LOVE IT! It has really helped us to understand Anna Belle better. I haven't finished reading it yet but so far I'm ready to jump on the band-wagon.

Friday, January 2, 2009

Anna Belle's Story Part 2

On the night of Tuesday November 4 we met with our social worker Danita for our international Ethiopia adoption we were pursuing. She was contracted out by our adoption agency Children's Hope International. It was a wonderful meeting. We spent 3 hours with her in our home and we really clicked. Before she left we talked to her about what she does and about the domestic adoption agency she has. We asked her about placements she had made and she shared some great stories with us. After she was gone Johnathon and I talked and I was on cloud nine saying how great the process was going and how painless the home study was. Johnathon, on-the-other-hand, was quiet like in deep thought.

He broke his silence with, "I'm not so sure about all this". Practicing the art of biting my tongue, I asked him to elaborate. We spent about 2 hours discussing his thoughts and feelings and mine and basically he said after hearing Danita talk about local placements for adoption he started to think maybe we should reconsider domestic adoption. He communicated that he was completely on board for Ethiopia, but out of the blue started having second thoughts. So together we prayed for clarity. We asked the Lord to speak and give Johnathon a clear word as to what we should do.
Wednesday morning while we were at work Johnathon got a phone call from his friend Eddie who had recently adopted a baby boy. He and his wife had received a phone call from their social worker that morning about a 9 month old African American baby that was being placed for adoption and needed a home asap. They told their SW that they would call a friend who was open to adopt an AA baby (That would be us). So Johnathon received that call and talked to Eddie to get whatever details he had. Eddie gave Johnathon his SW information and come to find out their SW was Danita! After J got off the phone he walked into my office, closed the door and looked at me like he had just met Jesus. He said "you are not going to believe the phone call I just had". He explained everything to me. I said "You got some clarity now??"

We called Danita. The details were that the birth mom knew she could not provide for her baby and knew she needed to place her for adoption. Danita was going to meet with the BM on Thursday (the next day). If the mom signed the surrender papers Danita would pick up the baby that night. We were scheduled to fly out Thursday morning to Dallas to go visit my sister and her husband Marcie and Zach for a little vacation get-a-way. Danita said that if we decided to adopt the baby we should not cancel our trip because it was still not for sure that the BM was going to sign the papers; however, if she did sign them it would probably be best for Danita to keep the baby for a few days to observe her.

So we prayed and talked and prayed. Talked to family and close friends and prayed some more. We made the decision late Wednesday night that we wanted to adopt her. We called Danita Thursday morning on our way to the airport to tell her we wanted to adopt this little baby girl. She began rejoicing over the phone and saying she just knew this baby was for us, but didn't want to say that before and influence our decision.

So we went to TX over joyed and a little shocked at what was about to take place. We received a call late Thursday night confirming that the BM had signed the papers. We spent the next few days preparing as much as we possibly could in TX for the arrival of our baby girl. Believe it our not it was really great to be TX during that waiting period. I thought I would have been freaking out not being at home getting everything ready but, I was so glad that Marcie got to be a big part of the whole process. It was also a huge blessing because Marcie's mother-in-law is a Jesus loving Martha Stewart and she taught me how to sew while we were out there and we made all of Anna Belle's bedding and pillows and window toppers. That is something I have always wanted to do, but have never learned. I always thought it would be so special to make everything in my child's room and it was the hand of the Lord that He would answer that silent prayer deep in my heart. Now do not be fooled Mrs. Toni (aka Martha Stewart) did ALL the hard work Marcie and I just played a part and learned a lot.

Family and friends at home went to our house and cleared out our guest room, moved all the furniture to my parents storage unit and painted her bedroom pink. My sister brought over all of her daughter's hand-me-downs and a handful of toys and bottles so that we had the necessities.

That brings us to Sunday, November 9, 2008: we boarded a plane and headed home to meet our little girl for the first time (Danita did take some pictures and sent them to us Saturday night and that is when we saw how absolutely beautiful she was). We arrived at home by 3pm had a million butterflies in our stomachs and waited till 6:15pm when Danita pulled up in our drive way with our baby. We finally held her in our arms still shocked and completely over joyed that in less than a week our lives went from baby less, hoping and praying for God to give us a child, to completely filled with love and devotion for our precious Anna Belle.

Needless to say it was a wonderfully crazy first week filled with many unknowns and so much love, happiness and joy that I cannot think of a better way to have received such a blessing.

In TX late Thursday night receiving the call from Danita that Anna Belle was for sure ours!!

The next day we hit the town to go shopping and pick out paint colors

Johnathon's Parents said they would like to paint the room for us while we were gone so we picked out the colors in TX and they bought the paint in MS

Johnathon said he had never gone shopping for a baby before and it was a must. So we hit up the closest baby boutique and this is what he picked out all by himself...soo cute!

Picking out fabrics for the baby room!!

Sew sew sew....

Even Johnathon got in on the sewing...he was sewing the bumper pads together

Seeing Anna Belle for the FIRST TIME!!!!

This is the beautiful baby we saw... With her birth mom

Finally in our arms and our home!!

Oh so perfect!!